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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Increase Size of Site Template using STSADM

To increase the size of the default sharepoint template size for Sites

 Run Command Prompt, Type in

stsadm -o setproperty -pn max-template-site-size -pv 200000000

The line above will change the max size that can be saved as a site template to 20MB, the default value that is set is ony 10MB.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Global variables in Javascript

L_Menu_BaseUrl - the base URL of the site.

L_Menu_LCID - the LCID of the site you're in. Useful if you need to determine the language of the site.

L_Menu_SiteTheme - the name of the theme applied to the site.

There is one more useful variable, but this one can't be used on custom master pages that you created. This one is used in the SharePoint's default pages:

_spUserId - the ID of the logged in user